Identification of fungal species associated with chilli fruit disease in North-Central Vietnam
Chilli (Capsicum spp.), is a vegetable widely consumed all over the world. It is a crucial ingredient in many culinary dishes and a significant source of income for farmers across various countries. Unfortunately, the cultivation of this crop is not without its challenges, as it can be affected by pathogenic fungi, which can lead to a decrease in yield and quality.…
Isolation of bacteria displaying potent antagonistic activity against fungi causes anthracnose disease in chili
Anthracnose is a common disease on many crops caused by Colletotrichum species, and it leaves serious consequences, especially on chili. Beta-1,3 glucanase is a semi-constitutive hydrolytic enzyme that is involved in the biological regulation of plant pathogens. Its main function is the breakdown of beta-1,3-glucan, a major constituent of the fungal cell wall. In a study conducted in Vietnam’s Quang Tri and Thua…